Grandiose Ltd

Whatsapp: +55 11 96722 5608

Terms & Conditions


The information offered on the Grandiose Ltd website has been compiled with great care. However Grandiose Ltd can not accept liability for any consequences whatever such as damages or profit loss, arising from the use of, trust in or actions undertaken on the basis of information on the Grandiose Ltd Website. We makes every makes every effort to keep the site permanently available. But can not accept any liability for any consequences of its (temporary) non availability. The intellectual property rights to this website belongs to Grandiose Ltd, any use of information on this website in whatever form is not permitted without the express permission sent to Grandiose Ltd

Any cookies you accept will generally remain in your computer for a period of 5 yrs unless you remove them, Disabling cookies may restrict your use of our website and services. Cookies are used to remember passwords, user names and preferences
For statistical purposes Grandiose Ltd Collects and saves certain types of information on visitors concerning the use of this website, such as the date and time of your visit to the website, the type of browser, browser language, the internet protocol (IP) address of the computer you used, the number of hits, the pages and sub-pages that were visited previously and the duration of the user session. This information is collectively known as web statistics.

Acceptance of terms and conditions

The website Grandiose Ltd is owned and operated by Grandiose Ltd, trading as Grandiose Ltd, References to “we”, “us”, “our” or “the website” are reference to Grandiose Ltd. We are a company registered in the Romania (company number VAT No. RO 15300421) and our address for correspondence is MUN. REŞIŢA STR. CORVIN ION Nr. 1 Sc. 2 Ap. 1 .
We reserve the right, from time to time or without notice to you, to change these terms n conditions at our sole discretion, the terms and conditions applicable to your access to and use of this website will be the version that is current and displayed on the web site as at each date you access the web site, Your use of Grandiose Ltd after changes are made means that you agree to be bound by such changes

This website and its contents is copyright of Grandiose Ltd, All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: making copy’s by means of photocopy, screen printing or any other duplication of our website or parts thereof is prohibited without written permission from Grandiose Ltd.